Whole Spelt, Wheat and Millet Sourdough Bread (fresh milled flour)
A simple recipe for 100% whole spelt and wheat sourdough bread featuring Australian grown Pearl millet. This bread was made with freshly milled flour but can be made with store bought flours.

A hot processed soap for the holidays 🎄
This is a lovely, simple hot processed soap recipe I made in the lead up to the holiday season. There are some misconceptions about hot process soap and how quickly it can be used, this video clears those up and gives you a couple of options for approaching your HP soap recipes.

Baking whole wheat sourdough bread in a Pullman pan
My recent experience coming up with a whole wheat sourdough recipe for USA Pan brand ‘Pullman pans’ taught me more about baking bread in pans than I ever thought I needed to know! In this blog post and video I share all my learnings and demonstrate how to bake 100% whole wheat sourdough sandwich style bread, made with freshly milled flour, in a 9 x 4 x 4 inch Pullman pan.

Make bread recipes that fit your pans perfectly!
This post and accompanying video explain how to work out your own bread recipes to fit your bread pans perfectly! It provides a basic overview of baker's math or baker's percentages and how this can be applied in the case of 100% wholegrain sourdough pan bread or sandwich style recipes.

How to Rebatch a Lye Heavy Soap
This post details simple instructions for rebatching a lye heavy cold processed soap, including video demonstration.

Soap tutorial and recipe for absolute beginners (you can do it!)
If you're brand new to soap making, this is a great place to start! This simple and easy beginner cold process soap recipe was created with flexibility and beginners in mind, and includes oil substitutions for various locations around the world.

Black Barley, Whole Wheat & Whole Spelt Sourdough Bread
A simple recipe for 100% whole grain sourdough bread featuring Australian grown black barley.

A TRUE Liquid Laundry Soap Recipe - No Gels!
Finally, a true liquid laundry soap recipe for those of you not-so-fussed on the gel versions! This is a potassium hydroxide liquid soap recipe, not made from bar soap.

100% Whole Wheat Spiced Pumpkin Sourdough Bread
A simple, easy recipe for 100% whole wheat sourdough bread made with fresh pumpkin puree and German style bread spices.

Fresh Garden Rosemary Infused Soap
A beautiful handmade cold process soap made with fresh rosemary infused oils. This video and post provide an overview of the technique and combined warm infusion/cold process method used to make this soap. Use this method and adapt it to your own soap recipe! A fun soap making experiment to share.